Ok So I am a mess of mixed emotions I had a ultra sound at 13 weeks and they told me that they could see a boy but not to sure. So my sister who has 3 girls just found out today that she is having a boy. We are so excited for her. Well I find out tomorrow what we are having and and I am so excited but nervous. All I know is girls. So if I am having a Boy all you moms out there with boys I will have a lot of questions. =) We have a name for a boy just not a middle name and for the girl I finally convinced my hubby to like the name I love so boy or girl we have a name. Sorry if this post makes no sense it is just whats on my mind! =) Check back tomorrow and I will post what we are having.=)
we have a girl brytens age( im sure you remember) and now a little boy and life is just perfect, he is the icing on our cake of a family. and i think we would not even make it to church if there were three girls in the family to dress up! but on the other hand i had to buy EVERYTHING all over again because it was all pink. if it is a boy you will get ajusted really quick but i think two girls in a row would have been fun too! good luck, cant wait to hear!!!
Hope all is going well sweetheart! Can't wait for an update!
Congrat's and don't worry, boys are so much easier than girls :-) I have two boys and my youngest is a girl. With boys, all you need to remember is "quick change" quick off with the dirty diaper...quick cover back up with a clean one...they will shower you if you do not master this art :-)
Yeah is everything well going and you are such a sweet family.
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